behavioral finance

Politics and Investing Are Like Oil and Water...They Don’t Mix

Will the next presidential election be the “most important election ever”? You might think so when following popular media outlets where every four years we have the “most important election ever!” Recognizing how this may be true in some ways—since elections, especially presidential elections, are a big deal—host Jeff Harrell reveals that...

Obviously, the Stock Market Is About to Crash…Buy, Buy, Buy!?!

A day has hardly gone by without someone in the media predicting doom and gloom for the stock market. Buying in to this feeling has the potential not only to be devastating to your financial wellbeing, but also to your sanity. Jeff Harrell tells a true tale about a “doomsday prepper” who...

Saver or Investor…Which One Are You?

Saving is where the path to financial independence (FI) begins, but if “saving” is all you ever do with your money, then your path might be longer than necessary. Implementing the next step—investing—accelerates your journey. Failure to understand from the outset about the inevitable...

Stocks Are Risky…False Fact!

We’ve all heard the term, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” When it comes to the stock market, I’d simply change “beauty” to “risk” in this expression. How you define risk plays a huge role in your perception of stock market investing. A look at one set of data points may change all of that. Jeff Harrell breaks down the fascinating results of a...

Earnings Reports Are Meaningful…Or Meaningless

Quarterly earnings reports announcements are one of the most highly anticipated events in the investing world, so much so that financial news channels even coined the term “earnings season” for when the bulk of companies release their reports. Although it would seem consequential for investors to follow “earnings season” closely for...