investment execution

You Review Your Investment Accounts…Too Often?

Having a basic understanding of your finances and your overall investment strategy is the first step on the path to FI. The problem is, as time goes on, many investors feel obligated to make adjustments to, or “tinker” with, their plan—often unnecessarily. The stories Jeff Harrell recounts in this episode may be some of the most relatable because...

Asset Location Is All About…Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Investing in the stock market is one of the best tools available to help you reach financial independence. However, there is one variable you must factor in that, if neglected, could result in a longer path to get there: taxes. Jeff Harrell shares his experience which suggests that even the professionals often...

Your Investments Are Located…All Over the Place

Maintaining total control of your finances starts with something that seems simple and yet tends to be a major hurdle for many of us to overcome. Discover the importance of organizing your investment accounts and how merely knowing where all your money is located can lead to better investment results in the long term. Jeff Harrell shares more stories from the trenches of...

If You’re Worried About Running Out of Money…You Probably Won’t

Speaking especially to people who are sensible with their finances and live within their means, Jeff Harrell discusses one of the greatest fears all investors face, longevity. While this fear is real for many, experience suggests these fears are likely irrational for those who act in...